Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Genderfull - Breaking the Norms

Our country becomes more and open to loving people for who they are in the inside but yet at the same time, suicide for young trans women and men is at a all time high.  This blog is to pose the question, does it all matter?  Are we oppressing a group of people at a time that gender lines are even more blurry than they have ever been?  Women are CEO's and men are taking care of babies.  Couples are increasingly sharing the duties of the house and it is sexy when a man shows emotion or offers to do the laundry.  But for many more, the feelings flow deeper.  They just don't feel right in the body they were born in.  Rock stars wear make up and frilly clothes and we still cheer for them.  Perhaps it is sexist that a woman can look incredibly hot in her husbands starched shirt and boxer shorts.  But a man in a dress? The world goes crazy!  You know who you are - the violence and ridicule starts.  And for what?  To hurt another human being?  The year is 2014 and it is the year of be who you wan to be.  It should also be the year of peace and understanding.  People like Laverne Cox, Janet Mock and Geena Rocero are beautiful strong women.  We admire their courage and strength and often will say, "Damn...I wished I looked as 1/2 as good as they do."

But on the other hand when we have enemies to fight, we don't need to have injustice at home.  We need to respect the soul and humanity of people who are brave enough to be who they are.  It shouldn't make anyone feel better to make someone another statistic.  They should be ashamed.

Unfortunately the barrier has still not been broken, perhaps cracked open but there are still barriers for young and old trans men and women to get the health care they need and jobs that will keep many off the streets.  There is no protection for some of the most interesting, caring and talented people you will ever meet. 

Case in point, former Navy SEAL - Kristin Beck.  Kristin has served our country for 20 years as a SEAL though 13 deployments.  She can shoot circles around anyone and probably kill men with her bare hands through her training. She has engineered some of the tactical processes that are still used in warfare and intelligence today.  She is highly decorated, served her country very admirably and is extremely loyal to her fight for, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Her documentary film is one that should be seen by all as a way to understand what it means to be transgender.  See the trailer here:  What you won't find is someone who plays the victim, you'll find a strong woman who doesn't discount everything in her past life for her new life.  She still builds motorcycles and rides them. She paints to battle PTSD and gives to all her brothers and sisters when she can.   She is every bit of a Navy SEAL even without her uniform or battle armor. If you can't relate to Kristin, the human, it is a shame.  She is humble and caring as she fights for the "T" to be added to the repeal of DADT which currently covers only openly gay and lesbian military personnel. Transgender individuals are still at risk for being thrown out of the military even though it is estimated that over 15,000 individuals are currently servicing with fear of being found out.  Sign this petition today to keep the conversation going and support our military.

Would you take 1000 Kristin Beck's in our military?  Hell yeah!  She's the epitome of what a SEAL is and now she is living the life she wants to in a new courageous battle.  Still tough as nails, she could hold her own with anyone and fights for right over wrong. 

It is important to not judge what you don't know but even more so to be open to who someone is inside. A body is a vehicle for getting you from point A to point B.  What matters most is what you do with that life and how many lives you can impact.  This group of strong women shows that you can absolutely do that.  Seems a little bit un-American to think that we have to have this debate but here we are. 

What can you do?  Sign the petition above and ask questions. The more informed you can be, the more we all move to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Isn't this the real American Dream?]

Spread the word - life isn't wrapped up in a pretty little bow on the set of Leave it to Beaver.  (Groan - sort of bad intended pun) This isn't the 50's or 60's anymore.  But the fight was on then and it will continue to be a fight until we are all equal.

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